DIY Face Exfoliator with Sugar and Honey

This simple exfoliator was one of the first DIY face products I made, for two reasons.

First, I wasn’t finding in Israel the kind of face exfoliators I was used to buying in America. I like thicker grained exfoliators with natural ingredients, like honey or oatmeal, which (of course) didn’t break my budget. I found myself only using exfoliators that I asked my parents to bring when they came to visit. It was very frustrating and not practical.

Second, around 4 years ago, I started (*and I am still on) my journey into making my own products for health and financial reasons. I saw DIY face exfoliators all over the web and I figured this was a great place to start and experiment.

Honey is also of great quality and price ranges in Israel, which I use regularly with granola, oatmeal and on crusty bread with good butter 🙂  I always have some extra honey in the pantry.

Here is your basic recipe for a natural, softening face exfoliator which if you use 3-4 times a week, should last about 4 to 6 weeks. (I tend to exfoliate every other day). If you only exfoliate your face once a week, I would refresh this recipe every 6-8 weeks. Because it is a natural recipe without a preservative, and water will tend to seep in from the shower, it might go bad around the 8 week mark.

You can also use this all over your body if you would like. I sometimes use it on my hands on those really dry winter days to soften them up. (I prefer a salt scrub on my feet. Recipe to come soon.)

Enjoy and try not to taste it! (It is that good. )

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What you need:

  • One glass container. (I love to use old Bonne Maman Jam containers because they are a compact size and wide open on the top.)
  • 1/4 cup white sugar (You can use brown sugar, I just happen to like the texture and end color result with white.)
  • 2 Tbsp of Honey (Use a soft honey. Hardened honey is great to spread on bread, but it won’t mix in well in this recipe)
  • 2 Tbsp of a Carrier Oil. I always use Sweet Almond Oil which is readily available in Israel. You can use Jojoba oil or Olive oil.
  • Optional: 1-2 drops of essential oils that enhance healthy skin like Lavender, Frankincense or Geranium. I tend to like this recipe without any essential oil because the smell is already amazing, but on occasion I add a drop or two of Lavender or Frankincense.


  1. In a glass container mix the sugar, honey and carrier oil together until it is well blended.
  2. Add the essential oils if using and blend through.
  3. Enjoy your delicious face exfoliator! Rub in a circular motion all over your face with a bit of hot water and rinse off with cold water.

If interested, here are a few other of my DIY Recipes to Try:

DIY: Natural, All-Purpose House Cleaner with Castile Soap and Essential Oils

Using Mediterranean Algae in Homemade Skincare Products

And click here for a list of my favorite (Israel-based) Natural and Local Health & Beauty Products.

Thanks for reading and have a great week!






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